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Buying a new gaming PC is a big purchase, and for a lot of people it can be quite a daunting task to find the right one. We want to make it as quick and easy as possible for you to make the right decision, that's why we have put together our most suited PC recommendations at four different performance levels to suit all budgets and style tastes.

All PCs can be bought at the default spec or customised and tweaked as much as you like until it is perfect, and if you need any guidance, open up a live chat and one of our friendly support staff will be happy to walk you through the process.

The console beater

Entry Level Systems

First-time buyers look no further than the ASCENDA Series.

We know buying a PC is daunting with lots of options and choices. For your first PC, typically you want something affordable but is also upgradeable. ASCENDA gaming systems are a great jumping-in point for 1080p (I and V models) and 1440p (X model) and prices start at £899.95.

Better performance than a console, go see what all the fuss is about.

PC Recommendations for 1080p Gaming:

Gamers looking to game at 1080p have a plethora of options available to them. To help you avoid being overwhelmed, we have selected two PCs that we most recommend depending on whether you want customisable RGB lighting or prefer a more subtle style, the choice is yours.

AGILIAN Series (RGB option)

Starting at £999.95, the AGILIAN is one of our most popular systems and for good reason. The AGILIAN comes in three options, the I and the V models are perfect for all titles at 1080p running on high settings. The AGILIAN X model is suitable for gamers wanting higher refresh rates in 1080p or wanting to branch into 1440p, without it breaking the bank.

AEROS Series (xRGB option)

Gamers looking for a system suited to 1080p and wanting to focus on raw power and cooling performance over RGB bling should look at the AEROS Series. Starting at £1349.95, this system also comes in 3 options. The AEROS-I is perfectly suited for gaming in 1080p at high refresh rates on high settings across all titles. For gamers with higher refresh rate monitors (Hz) you should opt for the AEROS-V which is also good for gaming at 1440p.

PC Recommendations for 1440p Gaming:

Gamers in the 1440p bracket gain the benefit of increased graphic fidelity over 1080p, while being able to maintain a higher refresh rate compared to 4K - the perfect balance! We've again selected the two systems we recommend most for this resolution to make it easy for you to find what you need.

GALLANTIS Series (RGB option)

Moving up through the performance ladder and boasting improved cooling and hardware to that of its 1080p siblings, GALLANTIS delivers a gaming experience ideally suited for the 1440p sweet spot gamers now crave. As with all our other models, the GALLANTIS comes in three options, each with increasing performance and all capable of running AAA titles maxed out - prices start from £1499.95.

XYLO Series (xRGB option)

Blending contemporary, modern style with raw performance, XYLO provides a true centrepiece to any setup that avoids RGB in favour of a more luxury aesthetic. Starting from £1999.95, the I model is ideal for gaming in 1440p, with the V and the X models further improving performance should you want a higher frame rate or wish to venture into 4K.

PC Recommendations for 4K Gaming:

Gamers looking to play at 4K res are looking for the the ultimate gaming experience possible. This requires a system that'll power through the latest games now and for years to come and the two systems we recommend will deliver that and more.

DOMINUS Series (RGB option)

Luxury aesthetics & best-in-class performance, DOMINUS is designed to dominate and look good doing it. Starting at £2799.95, all variants are suited for 4K gaming but for the most demanding gamers, we recommend starting at the V model and if money is no object, the X model will deliver over 60Hz at 4K for the crème de la crème of gaming experiences.

SERENA Series (xRGB option)

For gamers also looking for the ultimate but don't want the light show, we give you SERENA. Our flagship xRGB system boasts only the best components throughout. With all options boasting the top graphics chip on the market, you can be confident of a stunning picture quality and smooth frame rates. Prices start from £3999.95 for this pinnacle of performance.